Dec 13-20 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.


International: Col. Francisco Villa, Mexico
Pastor Eduardo & Dora Velazquez

Prayer Needs:

  • Health for all.

  • New converts.

  • Good fruit.

  • Finances.


US: El Cajon, CA
Pastor Frank & Ana Aguilera

Prayer Needs:

  • Pastor Aguilera’s church has been shut down for 3 weeks because of Covid and now both he and Sister Ana have Covid. Please pray for complete healing for them and all those that have been affected.

  • Praise Report: They’ve had 3 new converts during these 3 weeks of the church being shut down!

Additional Prayer Needs

  • Fri, 12/11 – Mon, 12/14: in Betim, Brazil (Pastor Artie & Kelly Marin): - Revival Services and Men’s Discipleship with Pastor Bob Hall from West Phoenix.

  • (Rally) Fri, 12/11 - Sun, 12/13 & (Revival) Mon, 12/14 - Thu, 12/17: Pastor Lado Esquivel Rally in Tegucigalpa at Pastor Rolando Diaz’ church & Revival in Tegucigalpa for Pastor Abel Amador: - “Also pray for God’s hands of protection be upon my 12/18 travel from Honduras. Thank you in advance for all your prayers.”

  • prayer request from Pastor Nick Russell in Addison, IL (12-11-20): - “Please pray for Mckendra Barboan, she has a growth on her cervix and is pregnant. Also has covid. Please pray for healing and strength. This is a sister of one of the ladies that attends the Addison church. Thank you!”

  • prayer request from Greg & Jackie Day in Tempe, AZ (12-3-20): - “Please pray for (Greg’s dad) Scott Day to have a clean PET scan on December 14. Please continue to pray that his vital organs stay functioning at a high level and for a hedge of protection against Graft Versus Host Disease, which could have fatal consequences.”


Dec 20-26 Focused Fire


Dec 6-12 Focused Fire