Aug 01 - Aug 07 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.


International: Davao City, Philippines
Pastor Frank & Vida Buenaventura

Prayer Needs:

  • (Right now we are still in a restriction that we are prohibited to conduct a big crowd in the church. Now we have two services in the morning and one in the evening, so that we can accommodate them all.)

  • I would like to request to Pray for our Church case because there is a new Judge that is handling it. Please pray for God’s favor that this will be done this year, as it has been going on for 10 years already.

  • God’s protection and healing as there are number of members and Pastors with their family that has been affected by this Covid 19 and now this Delta Variant is now in Our Country.

Buchholz, Rick & Kathy (Sep 2020).JPG

US: Fayetteville, NC
Pastor Rick & Kathy Buchholz

Prayer Needs:

  • Adam and Noemi: To enter into the dimension of real Discipleship

  • Grady and Vicki: To be used in the supernatural

  • Jon: To be redirected into God’s Plan

  • Fort Bragg: Souls to be saved and Converts to be solidified

  • God to send us a drummer, or someone to take the challenge

  • Pastor Buchholz: I need God-given strategy so not to just spin wheels

  • Fruitful outreaches

  • A New Building to open up for us

Additional Prayer Needs

  • (7-30-21) prayer requests from Missionary Pastor Nathan Oropeza in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: - “We are currently in a mandatory 2 week quarantine after we entered the country. 1) I’d like prayer that we get out of quarantine on time and get our visas extended ASAP despite some issues other missionaries are having. 2) God’s favor and direction in finding a good home and location for a church. 3) God’s covering over our health and protection. Thank you.”

  • the Tempe Church will be sending some youth to the Boot Camp in Las Vegas, New Mexico (8/2-8/7): - Please pray: 1) for safe travel to & from; 2) for protection and impartation!

  • Fri, Aug 6th - Sat, Aug 7th: in Addison, IL (Pastor Nick Russell): - Healing Crusade with Evangelist Frankie Chi (Please pray for Healings, Miracles, Converts to be added during this event!)


Aug 08 - Aug 14 Focused Fire


July 25 - July 31 Focused Fire