July 31 - Aug 6 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Hamrun, Malta
Pastor Francesco & Rebecca James

Prayer Needs:

  • * Asking God for a miracle revival in Malta, it needs to be a miracle because of all that is going on in Europe is really affecting us on a daily basis.

  • The salvation of Brian, Britney, and all the people we have been praying with on our outreaches.

  • We need miracle money in the church to upgrade our floors, stage and build a room for translation.

  • We want to see fruit from our labours, we have been outreaching to our families, friends and community for the past months and have seen little fruit come from it, now we are praying for a miracle that will take place and bring the hearts of many unto repentance.


US: Tempe Staff Evangelist
Pastor Doug Kuehneman

Prayer Needs:

  • August revivals: Fayetteville 12-14, Hanover 21-24

  • Genuine conversions.

  • God’s presence to come down mightily to cause these churches and saints to go forward!

Additional Prayer Needs

  • Fri, Aug 5th – Sun, Aug 7th: in Allentown, PA (Pastor Rob Hall): - Revival Services with Evangelist Jerry Fussell

  • (7/29/22) prayer requests from Missionary Justin Carl in Betim, Brazil: - “1) Please pray that our recent visitors will come back and lock in; 2) That there will be financial breakthrough among the saints; 3) Please pray for our healing crusades in local plazas (myself and another disciple are preaching)”

  • (7/25/22) prayer request from Pastor Casey Mammen regarding his daughter church in Sain Alto, Zacatecas, Mexico (Pastor Arnulfo Teniente): - “The cartels have moved into the area of our church in Sain Alto, Zacatecas, Mexico in a strong way and are menacing the whole vicinity. They have harassed some folks in our church = specifically some brothers who have their own businesses AND a widow in the church (they took over her house, so she is displaced/living in a small rental home) AND they have driven by the church after service a few times to intimidate the people. We request prayer for God to set His angels around the Teniente family and all the people in the church down there AND for God to bind/judge the wicked plans of the cartels.”

  • (7/21/22) prayer request from Missionary Nathan Oropeza in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: - “We will also be baptizing 6 people on 7/31, please pray that all goes well”


Aug 7 - Aug 13 Focused Fire


July 24 - July 30 Focused Fire