Aug 21 - Aug 27 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Pastor Nathan & Adria Oropeza

Prayer Needs:

  • Kuan, Phynon, and Hong all need a good job ($$ and work schedule)

  • Malaysia Men’s Discipleship next week, for our men to come back changed and busy for the things of God

  • Upcoming Men’s class, Healing Crusade, and Revival w/ Pastor Kevin Teeling 9/2-9/7

  • For our church to fully commit themselves to prayer and tithes/offerings

  • Visitors to come and new converts to lock in

  • Favor with the government and neighborhood

  • God’s wisdom and protection for me, my family, and the church


US: La Mesa, CA
Pastor Emmanuel & Sierra Zepeda

Prayer Needs:

  • Visitors to lock in (Isaiah, Shaun, Eric, Judy, Massara)

  • Financial Breakthroughs

  • Disciples!

  • Favor in City of La Mesa!

Additional Prayer Needs

  • starting Fri, Aug 19th: in Contagem, Brazil (Pastor Victor Vargas): - Revival Services with Pablo Luca

  • Sun, Aug 21st – Wed, Aug 24th: in Hanover, PA (Pastor Alphy Fisher): - Revival Services with Evangelist Doug Kuehneman “1) Pray for Genuine conversions; 2) God’s presence to come down mightily to cause this church and these saints to go forward!”


Aug 28 - Sep 3 Focused Fire


Aug 14 - Aug 20 Focused Fire