Sep 4 - Sep 10 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Mexico City, Mexico
Pastor Misael & Elma Moreno

Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for Juan and Dai (prayed for salvation at a recent revival)

  • New converts: Jorge, Lucio, Lalo, Carolina, Asela & Precila, Jade, Pedro, Yolanda

  • Please pray for an acceleration of Growth for the church within the next six months. (We have a number of revivals lined up and we need God to help us in our outreaches to meet key people and that they will get saved.)

  • Pray for us please because our enemy does not like what we are doing: 1. Misael & Elma, 2. My Kids: Aaron, Adrian, Aria, Alexa


US: Seco Mines, TX
Pastor Albert & Amanda Esquivel

Prayer Needs:

  • New converts

  • Miracle Money

  • Key disciples to rise up

  • Breakthrough in the community

Additional Prayer Needs

  • Fri, Sep 2nd – Wed, Sep 7th: in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Pastor Nathan Oropeza):- Meetings with Pastor Kevin Teeling (Men’s Class, Healing Crusade and Revival) (from Pastor Teeling) “Believing for: 1) genuine converts to be added; 2) supernatural dimension; 3) miracles, Holy Ghost baptism, gifts of the spirit; 4) encouragement and building up of the church and Pastor Oropeza and family; 5) God’s grace on my family and church while I’m away.”

  • (9/2/22) prayer update from Tempe Evangelist Artie Marin (regarding his newborn grandson Colton who has been in the hospital with some kind of bacterial infection): - “He is doing better, they sent him home yesterday with some antibiotics. They’re being cautious because he’s so small. Basically fluid going back up into his kidneys from his bladder like a reflux. They have to follow up with a urologist for more ultrasounds and then determine how to move forward. Praying that it will just go away on its own so that surgery isn’t required.”

  • (8/27/22) prayer request from Missionary Jim Greenfield in San Jose, Costa Rica: - “Please pray for a young man named Taurrean, for salvation and that he would be faithful to church. He is bilingual and could be a good interpreter for me.”


Sep 11 - Sep 17 Focused Fire


Aug 28 - Sep 3 Focused Fire