Jun 11 - Jun 17 Focused Fire
Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.
International: Contagem, Brazil
Pastor Victor & Kimberly Vargas
Prayer Needs:
Financial miracles
Fruit that remains
Revival amongst our teenager’s
US: Allentown, Pennsylvania
Pastor Rob & Adriana Hall
Prayer Needs:
We need men, men, and more men.
On the personal side, we need a new place to live, and need God to help open a door for a new domicile. Like everywhere, Allentown is a little crazy with houses…. (Or we might have to go full redneck and live in an RV parked at Walmart.)
Additional Prayer Needs
BIBLE CONFERENCES: Jun 12-16, Guam, Marianas Islands; Jun 12-16, Tucson, AZ
prayer requests for our Staff Evangelists: Paul & Kristina Castañon, Doug Kuehneman and Artie & Kelly Marin: - Please pray: 1) for each of them to have a “full-time Evangelist schedule” (2 weeks on and 1 week off); 2) for God’s anointing on their meetings; 3) for God’s protection over their families as the men are away from home; 4) for God’s blessing on the love offerings!
June 16 Youth Rally & June 17-21 Revival in Tempe with Evangelist Ernie Toppin: - Please pray for a mighty visitation of the Holy Ghost, lots of visitors and lasting fruit!