Oct 1 - Oct 7 Focused Fire
Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.
International: Lawaaikamp, South Africa
Pastor Elias & Vuyokazi Bango
Prayer Needs:
Smooth transition
Favor for new Building
Favor with new converts
US: Memphis, Tennessee
Pastor Herman & Janice Brooks
Prayer Needs:
Pray for the revival starting October 20th - 22nd and healing crusade we are having on October 21st with Pastor Jonathan Greene
Prayer for conversions and miracles healings
Additional Prayer Needs
Sun, Oct 1st (Evening Service): in Tempe, AZ: - Farewell Service for Pastor Manny & Claire
Herrera (going to Nicaragua; leaving on Mon, Oct 2nd)
(9/21/23) prayer requests from long-time Tempe Saints Dave & Karen Gersten: - “Dave’s cancer came back and has spread to several areas of his body. He started chemotherapy Tuesday. Please pray for strength as Dave goes thru the treatments and that all cancer will die.”