Feb 11 - Feb 17 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Betim, Brazil
Pastor Justin & Stacie Carl

Prayer Needs:

  • We need revival (miracle conversions) for our church and our baby church in Belo Horizonte.

  • We need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit especially the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (The Brazilians have been taught very falsely about it growing up.)

  • We need Miracle money for the saints of Brazil and in our churches.

  • Miracle healing: Vania, Stacie, Debra and Maria


US: Tempe, Arizona
Pastor Doug Kuehneman

Prayer Needs:

  • in León, Nicaragua (Pastor Manny Herrera): 2/9 & 2/10 Healing Crusade and 2/11-2/14 Revival Services - “Praying for: 1) breakthrough revival, miracle healings and deliverances; 2) Souls saved and added to the churches; 3) Holy Spirit quickenings regarding specific needs to pray for; 4) That the name of Jesus would be glorified; 5) Personal direction for me.”

Additional Prayer Needs

  • (2/10/24) prayer update from Tempe Saint Karen Gersten: - “Dave has had tremendous pain and swelling. He is having a procedure today. Praying that gives relief. We have a team of specialists working on his case. Our surgeon called me last night ruling out surgery, PTL. He told me “it’s a mystery” referring to what is happening in Dave. Please pray healing for Dave and wisdom from above for the team. Thank you focus fire prayer warriors.”

  • (2/9/24) prayer requests from Pastor Nathan Oropeza in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: - “1) Recently a key pillar left the church and several others are being challenged in different ways – I know God is working behind the scenes! 2) 2/15-2/18 Revival Services with Pastor Packia Raj: Please pray that our people are brought to a new level of unwavering commitment to God and for new visitors to get saved and lock in this week and the next. 3) Please also pray for me and my family. We’ve been battling various sickness for some time and we need to get our strength/energy back!”

  • (2/9/24) prayer update from Pastor Jaime Sopeña in Verrado, AZ: - “Miracle is home—praise The Lord! We appreciate the prayers of the saints. Please pray that Miracle has a swift recovery and that physical therapy process is smooth. Miracle is finishing up her last year of high school and asking that her mind remains healthy through this time.”

  • (2/9/24) prayer update from Missionary Victor Vargas in Contagem, Brazil: - “Kimberly had her first appointment with the Kidney Specialist last Friday and they confirmed that she has stage 2 Kidney Cancer. It’s still in the beginning stages and is treatable since they caught it early enough. We are still contending for a miracle and direction from God. Thank you for your prayers.”

  • (2/9/24) prayer requests from Pastor Kevin Teeling in Maricopa, AZ: - “1) We are closing in on a building for the church in Maricopa which would be a tremendous location. It’s a standalone building with good interior space, parking and tons of outdoor space just begging to be used for all kinds of outreach. We are in the process of applying to the city to be allowed in. We need favor with the city to give us a green light and also to not require a lot of onerous and expensive renovations. And, while we’re praying, we need miracle fruitfulness to fill the building and miracle resources to fund it. This would be an answer to more than 3 years’ worth of prayers.

  • The Casa Grande church has a missionary family in Mexico, Jacob & Hosanna Salas. Sister Hosanna has suffered serious health issues for several months now and this is a severe burden. She needs a breakthrough miracle of healing in her body. Please also pray for God’s grace and peace for the whole family in this trial.”


Feb 18 - Feb 24 Focused Fire


Feb 4 - Feb 10 Focused Fire