Feb 25 - Mar 2 Focused Fire
Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.
International: Contagem, Brazil
Pastor Victor & Kimberly Vargas
Prayer Needs:
I would like to ask for continued prayer for Kimberly, and direction from God.
Larry from Atlanta came to church this past Sunday with his wife and son. They desperately need God; pray for a Genuine Conversion.
Many of our church family members need financial miracles.
We have had many visitors come into our church in the last few months; pray for them to be converted and established in the church.
God give us Revival amongst our youth.
US: Peoria, Arizona
Pastor Casey & Monica Mammen
Prayer Needs:
new building (lease starts Apr 1) = favor with construction + Owner
finances = supernatural supply and miracle money
fruitfulness = souls saved and added
fire = increased dimension of the Holy Ghost
faith = greater level for me and our congregation
Additional Prayer Needs
Fri, Feb 23rd - Thu, Feb 29th: in Managua, Nicaragua (Pastor Lado Esquivel): 2/23 & 2/24 Healing Crusade, 2/25-2/28 Revival Services and 2/29 Men’s Discipleship - “Praying for: 1) breakthrough revival, miracle healings and deliverances; 2) Souls saved and added to the churches; 3) Holy Spirit quickenings regarding specific needs to pray for; 4) That the name of Jesus would be glorified; 5) Personal direction for me.” Also travel mercies back to Arizona on 3/1.