Mar 16 - Mar 22 Focused Fire
Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.
International: Contagem, Brazil Pastor Artie & Kelly Marin
Prayer Needs:
Please pray for favor with a building owner whom we are trying to negotiate; it is bigger and in a great location. We are looking to move by the end of the month if it’s Gods timing.
Pray for increase in finances as we are looking to be self supporting financially in the church. That the faithful tithers and core of the church would be financially blessed.
Gods Revelation for couples that we are working with to answer their calling to preach the Gospel.
Exponential growth in the church spiritually and with new converts.
A special Grace for me and Kelly in this time, God knows.
Finally, just a HG Revival outpouring of Gods spirit and power.
US: Tolleson, Arizona
Pastor Ed & Socorro Kidwell
Prayer Needs:
Several young converts to be strengthened
Fruitfulness for our upcoming outreach / float in the City of Tolleson parade, Saturday April 5th, 10am
Additional Prayer Needs
Fri, Mar 21st - Sun, Mar 23rd: in Michoacán, Mexico (Pastor Antonio Arciniega):- Revival Services with Pastor Luis Plata