Jun 16 - Jun 22 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Gansbaai, South Africa
Pastor Dwight & Amy Morgendal

Prayer Needs:

  • That God would give me wisdom and patience so that I do what is necessary to build a strong foundation for the church. That I won’t give in to any temptation to take any shortcuts in building the work for God here.

  • That sinners not only get saved but also immediately get filled with the Holy Ghost.

  • That God would give us people who will have a revelation of tithing and giving and who will make a commitment to being financial pillars in the church.

  • We are having our first impact team (6 July 2024), alongside special revival services on 5 July with Pastor Warren Koot (Robertson) and on 7 July with Pastor Pietie Saterdaght (Oudtshoorn), the weekend of the 5th -7th of July 2024. Pray for revival to break out in Gansbaai over that weekend please.

  • Lastly, that God would give us a double portion of all that He is doing in our Mother Church, Oudtshoorn.


US: Sanford, North Carolina
Pastor Grady & Vicky Ward

Prayer Needs:

  • We still need a place to meet in, whether that be a storefront, small office space, or some shared space, we need it to be the place where God wants us.

  • I need to pass an electrical contractor exam so I can start a business.

  • Need God to add people to Pastor Buchholz’ church in Fayetteville; to replace us and continue to grow and catch the vision with us.

  • God to pour out His spirit and all kinds of miracles all over Sanford.

  • For the ground to yield fruit in Sanford right away when we start; for God to quicken that work so we can become a good example to those that follow our lead in launching out.

Additional Prayer Needs


    Jun 17-21, Tucson, Arizona

  • Sat, Jun 22nd (new Building Grand Opening weekend): in Peoria, AZ (Pastor Casey Mammen): - “Dopeless Hope Fiends” Concert and Pastor Mark Aulson Healing Crusade (we will be joined by Tempe, Prescott and Tucson churches) - “Our prayer is for visitors, miracle conversions, and people added to the church.”

  • (6/14/24) prayer update from Pastor Jaime Sopeña in Verrado, AZ (regarding a lady in his church named Silvia Castillo who was hospitalized last week for seizures): - “Ms Silvia was recently released from the hospital and recovering at home. It’s been a battle but her resilience and joy knowing that she is in God’s hands has been a testament to her faith and her children are coming to church. Please continue to pray, we immensely thank the Focus Fire team for your faithfulness and prayers.”


Jun 23 - Jun 29 Focused Fire


Jun 9 - Jun 15 Focused Fire