Jun 16 - Jun 22 Focused Fire
Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.
International: Gansbaai, South Africa
Pastor Dwight & Amy Morgendal
Prayer Needs:
That God would give me wisdom and patience so that I do what is necessary to build a strong foundation for the church. That I won’t give in to any temptation to take any shortcuts in building the work for God here.
That sinners not only get saved but also immediately get filled with the Holy Ghost.
That God would give us people who will have a revelation of tithing and giving and who will make a commitment to being financial pillars in the church.
We are having our first impact team (6 July 2024), alongside special revival services on 5 July with Pastor Warren Koot (Robertson) and on 7 July with Pastor Pietie Saterdaght (Oudtshoorn), the weekend of the 5th -7th of July 2024. Pray for revival to break out in Gansbaai over that weekend please.
Lastly, that God would give us a double portion of all that He is doing in our Mother Church, Oudtshoorn.
US: Sanford, North Carolina
Pastor Grady & Vicky Ward
Prayer Needs:
We still need a place to meet in, whether that be a storefront, small office space, or some shared space, we need it to be the place where God wants us.
I need to pass an electrical contractor exam so I can start a business.
Need God to add people to Pastor Buchholz’ church in Fayetteville; to replace us and continue to grow and catch the vision with us.
God to pour out His spirit and all kinds of miracles all over Sanford.
For the ground to yield fruit in Sanford right away when we start; for God to quicken that work so we can become a good example to those that follow our lead in launching out.
Additional Prayer Needs
Jun 17-21, Tucson, Arizona
Sat, Jun 22nd (new Building Grand Opening weekend): in Peoria, AZ (Pastor Casey Mammen): - “Dopeless Hope Fiends” Concert and Pastor Mark Aulson Healing Crusade (we will be joined by Tempe, Prescott and Tucson churches) - “Our prayer is for visitors, miracle conversions, and people added to the church.”
(6/14/24) prayer update from Pastor Jaime Sopeña in Verrado, AZ (regarding a lady in his church named Silvia Castillo who was hospitalized last week for seizures): - “Ms Silvia was recently released from the hospital and recovering at home. It’s been a battle but her resilience and joy knowing that she is in God’s hands has been a testament to her faith and her children are coming to church. Please continue to pray, we immensely thank the Focus Fire team for your faithfulness and prayers.”