Jul 28 - Aug 3 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Vicenza, Italy
Pastor Vitalii & Dumi Glopina

Prayer Needs: (Farewell service on Sun, 7/28. Flying out on Tue, 7/30.)

  • Ending all business in USA

  • Travel mercies for family

  • Protection over customs and baggage

  • As we get in Vicenza we need ASAP A MIRACLE CAR

  • Dominion as our feet touch Italian ground

  • From day one we need open door to meet key people


US: Youngtown, Arizona
Pastor Arnulfo & Jessica Teniente

Prayer Needs: (Farewell service will take place on Sun, 7/28. First Bible Study in Youngtown on Wed, 7/31.)

  • A quick start here in the area.

  • We need God to take us to the right people and key couples

  • Give us favor with souls here in Youngtown

  • We need God’s favor for a building to rent in Youngtown

Additional Prayer Needs


    Jul 29-Aug 2, Iloilo City, Philippines

    Jul 29-Aug 2, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico

  • Fri, Jul 26th – Sun, Jul 28th: in Robertson, South Africa (Pastor Warren Koot): - Revival Services with Pastor Randal van Staden - “We are believing God for souls to get saved and a season of God’s favour and fruitfulness.”

  • prayer requests from Pastor Jim Greenfield in San Jose Costa Rica: - “Pastor Lloyd and an impact team from Spring Valley are coming August 1-5. I’m believing God for the following: 1) Good weather; 2) Traveling mercy; 3) Fruit that abounds and abides; 4) Disciples in the church to rise up into ministries; 5) People in the church to begin to tithe and have more of a burden to evangelize”

  • (7/25/24) prayer update regarding Pastor Tom Payne: - “This morning several important tests were run with sobering results. Pastor Payne suffered a massive Ischemic Stroke on Sunday, threatening his life and severely injuring his left side faculties. Although there have been positives regarding the further risks from this event (brain bleeding and reoccurring strokes), it is clear that the journey of recovery is going to be extensive. The left side of his body needs Miracle power, regarding mobility and strength. We are praying specifically for: left eye vision to clear up, left leg strength, and left arm mobility restoration. We are asking for your prayers, the long journey to recovery will involve serious rehabilitation. –Payne Family”

  • (7/24/24) prayer request from Pastor Roman Gutierrez: - “Please join me and my wife in praying for salvation for our daughter, Julie.”


Aug 4 - Aug 10 Focused Fire


Jul 21 - Jul 27 Focused Fire