Aug 25 - Aug 31 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Knysna, South Africa
Pastor Maleke & Khasiane Taioe

Prayer Needs:

  • Traveling mercies for all the Conf delegates and Holy Ghost filled messages for this week’s 2024 South Africa Bible Conference.

  • Couples who have a burden for Pastoral ministry to be drawn in and to lock in and to contend for cities and regions beyond.

  • Our youth and disciples to be sold out for Jesus and to receive radical conversions.

  • For God to open doors for job opportunities locally for us.

  • Successful hosting of our first unchurched local men’s class in our church and our outdoor Healing Crusade.

  • God’s protection over my family and a strategy for taking over our city.


US: Skyline, California
Pastor Salvador & Erika Ortiz

Prayer Needs:

  • Building situation. Either an affordable one or a church building we can share.

  • Men, money and miracles.

  • Backsliders to return.

  • The mind of God for me.

Additional Prayer Needs


    Aug 26-30, Eldorado Park/Joburg, South Africa

  • Sun, Aug 25th – Wed, Aug 28th: in Betim, Brazil (Pastor Justin Carl): Revival Services with Pastor Robert Dodd - “Please pray for breakthrough of the Holy Spirit baptism, miracles and that the poverty would be cast out of the people. We need them to step into supernatural giving and receiving.”

  • Fri, Aug 30th – Sat, Aug 31st: in Memphis, TN (Pastor Herman Brooks): Impact team and Revival Services with Franko Garcia, (he’s out of the Carbondale, IL church, Pastor Terry Haynes).


Sep 1 - Sep 7 Focused Fire


Aug 18 - Aug 24 Focused Fire