Sep 8 - Sep 14 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Tijuana, Mexico
Pastor Gustavo & Carina Galvan

Prayer Needs:

  • That God will give us all the Resources to send a baby work this month

  • For the coming Harvesters in October

  • For converts to get established


US: Spring Valley, California
Pastor Cris & Linda Lloyd

Prayer Needs:

  • God’s Favor & Fruit on our Evening & Saturday outreaches

  • Blessing on our upcoming Harvester’s Homecoming & 40 Yr anniversary celebration Sept. 20 - 22

  • Strength & determination for our New converts to stay faithful to Jesus

  • Greater Financial prosperity for the Spring Valley congregation

Additional Prayer Needs

  • Sun, Sep 8th – Wed, Sep 11th: in Frisco, TX (Pastor Alvin Malan): - First revival in their new building with Pastor Joe Rice - “We are looking forward to backsliders coming back and new visitors to get saved and locked in. It starts this coming Sunday Night.”

  • (9/6/24) prayer update from Pastor Kevin Teeling in Maricopa, AZ: - “Victory report and a continued request – I just visited Jenny Burnett, who I asked for prayer for, at the hospital. Her condition has substantially improved since yesterday morning and I believe the focused fire prayers are a big part of that. I was also able to pray with her to get right with God. However, she evidently has a heart condition and will have a stent put in, so please keep her in prayer for continued healing and for her family to be touched in this situation.”

  • (9/6/24) prayer update regarding Pastor Tom Payne: - “the family is asking that we pray for the following: He needs increased usage of his left arm, continued strength in walking, and he is also praying for wisdom.”


Sep 15 - Sep 21 Focused Fire


Sep 1 - Sep 7 Focused Fire