Oct 6 - Oct 12 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Sain Alto, Zacatecas, Mexico
Pastor Uriel & Zaida Mercado

Prayer Needs:

  • I need the favor of God with the people of the church

  • That new converts will lock into the church

  • For God to bring us a financial breakthrough


US: Hendersonville, Tennessee
Pastor Vince & Amburr Savarese

Prayer Needs:

  • That the God of breakthroughs would release revival upon the city of Hendersonville, (break through like the releasing of water, give us dominion over the enemy, blessing over Your people, and protection over the youth.)

  • Pray for sister Brenah’ (she needs healing in her body; she is fighting diabetes.)

  • Also please pray for Mo to come back to church….(that is Mo Money)

Additional Prayer Needs


    Oct 7-11, San Antonio, Texas

    Oct 7-11, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico

    Oct 10-13, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Thu, Oct 3rd - Sun, Oct 6th: in Washington, PA (Pastor Jeff O’Brien): - Revival Services with Pastor Paul Tedesco – “That God would give us a supernatural visitation and remaining fruit”

  • Thu, Oct 3rd - Sun, Oct 6th: in Tijuana, Mexico (Pastor Gustavo Galvan): - Harvester’s Homecoming

  • Fri, Oct 11th - Sat, Oct 12th: in Managua, Nicaragua (Pastor Lado Esquivel): Re-scheduled Healing Crusade - “Pray that the Lord will save souls and that He would confirm His word with miracles of healing and deliverances. Thank you again.”

  • (10/4/24) prayer request from Pastor Grady Ward in Sanford, NC: - “We are still searching for a building here.”

  • (10/3/24) prayer requests from Pastor Rick Buchholz in Fayetteville, NC: - “Please pray for: 1) our new converts: Valerie (and her husband); Esmerelda (and her husband); Harold & Isabella; Ray & Yesenia; TiAnthony; Tucker; 2) revival with the Teens, and on Fort Liberty; 3) financial blessing for the church, (I’d like to purchase a building in the Fall of 2025.)”

  • (10/3/24) prayer request from Pastor Herman Brooks in Memphis, TN: - “I’m praying with people, but we need them to come out and lock in. Please pray for genuine conversions and fruit that will remain.” “The persistent prayer of a believer is able to accomplish much.” - JAMES 5:16

  • Hurricane Helene “Check-in” – Churches in the Tempe Wing:

  • FLORIDA: in Miami (Nehemiah & Bridgette Negron): - “We were 100% fine. No affect at all. Thank God!”

  • FLORIDA: (Paul & Kristina Castañon): - “It was windy with some rain but it wasn’t bad for us at all.”

  • NORTH CAROLINA: in Fayetteville (Rick & Kathy Buchholz): - “We are doing okay here, the hurricane outskirts caught us, but didn’t do much damage in Fayetteville.”

  • NORTH CAROLINA: in Sanford (Grady & Vicky Ward): - “No one has been affected by the storm in our area, it hit hard farther west…”

  • SOUTH CAROLINA: in Charleston (Christien & Shannon Sims): - “We’re all good in the hood!”

  • TENNESSEE: in Hendersonville (Vince & Amburr Savarese): - “We are all good just a lot of rain no issues.”

  • TENNESSEE: in Memphis (Herman & Janice Brooks): - “We haven’t been affected at all by the storms.”


Sep 29 - Oct 5 Focused Fire