Sep 29 - Oct 5 Focused Fire

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! Here are this week’s Focused Fire prayer needs.

International: Managua, Nicaragua
Pastor Lado & Tamie Esquivel

Prayer Needs:

  • Lasting fruit from our Healing Crusade, Sept 27th and 28th.

  • Converts / couples

  • God’s favor so churches in our fellowship, here in Nicaragua, can obtain registration.


US: La Mesa, California
Pastor Emmanuel & Sierra Zepeda

Prayer Needs:

  • Our daughter Teagan was born 8 weeks premature. We’ve been praying for her strength and energy so she can be discharged from the hospital. She needs to be able to take bottle feedings on her own and to gain a few ounces to hit 4 pounds. As of 9/26, she has much more energy now, and is taking more than 50% of feeds by mouth! She has also hit the 4 pound requirement. We are very close! Please keep praying!

  • Please pray for our upcoming Revival with Pastor Castañon 10/25-27. Fruit that would remain!

Additional Prayer Needs


    Sep 30-Oct 4, Chandler, Arizona

    Sep 30-Oct 4, Gallup, New Mexico

  • Fri, Sep 27th - Sun, Sep 29th: in Maricopa, AZ (Pastor Kevin Teeling): Revival Services with Pastor Casey Mammen - “We are believing for miraculous breakthrough in the church and a healing for my wife would be a wonderful part of that.”

  • Thu, Oct 3rd - Sun, Oct 6th: in Washington, PA (Pastor Jeff O’Brien):- Revival Services with Pastor Paul Tedesco – “That God would give us a supernatural visitation and remaining fruit”

  • Thu, Oct 3rd - Sun, Oct 6th: in Tijuana, Mexico (Pastor Gustavo Galvan): - Harvester’s Homecoming

  • (9/27/24) prayer update from Pastor Paul Castañon (regarding his daughter Savannah’s 9/26 surgery): – “Savannah’s surgery went very good. She is in a cast for now but we’re praying for her bones to heal properly and for a quick overall recovery.”

  • (9/27/24) prayer update from Pastor Kevin Teeling in Maricopa, AZ (regarding his wife Shar’s recent broken foot and tailbone): - “The injuries Shar has usually take a fairly long time to heal properly. She’s been experiencing a lot of pain and some additional unexpected complications. So it’s been a difficult and frustrating two weeks. Please pray that God would do a creative and restorative miracle in her entire body and that in the meantime she would experience the peace and comfort of God in her spirit. Also that God would give additional grace for our whole family in this time.”


Oct 6 - Oct 12 Focused Fire


Sep 22 - Sep 28 Focused Fire